Thursday, January 15, 2009


What is more annoying?
People zzzing when you take time to act or people taking a long time to act?
Probably both!
I often play while doing something else like washing-up or cleanin gthe floor.
So I have to wait until I hear the sound of the prompt before I go an act.
Often somone has zzzzed me.
I always tell them to 'shut it' and often get more abuse back.
It does annoy me when someone else is delaying when I am giving it my full attention.
But the fact is that if it is a multi table tourny then it is in your andantage to slow play.
If in doubt of that then just look ate the players remaining while letting the time run down.
Depending on the size of the field you will see a number go out while you are delaying.
More of this later...
Alice xx


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